YHFED Next Generation Training 2018/19

The Yorkshire and Humberside Federation of Museums and Art Galleries have issued provisional details for the Next Generation Training Course 2018/2019. The course is aimed at those who are keen to develop their management and leadership skills. The course is open to all heritage professionals across museums, galleries, libraries and archives sectors.
The programme is delivered in up to ten workshops (plus an induction meeting) at monthly intervals provisionally starting on Wednesday 10th October 2018 (and then subsequent 2nd Wednesdays in the month, finishing May 2019). The exact programme is developed with the candidates at the start of the course. Workshops are held at various locations throughout Yorkshire. Delegates will visit a number of interesting museum and library locations and hear from senior museum and library professionals. For all further information please visit: https://www.yhfed.org.uk/disclaimer/training/ where there is also a flyer to download.
To express an interest please contact the YHFed Freelance Training Administrator, Bahia Lynch: bahia.lynch@gmail.com
For all further information about the programme please contact the coach and trainer, Peter Lumley: peter@realising-change.co.uk TEL: 07767 337637