One Space Remaining on Innovation Cohort

Opportunity to gain innovation skills!
We have space for one additional museum to join our Everyday Innovation cohort.
In a group of 12 people (from 6 museums), you will be introduced to skills and tools in innovative thinking, and will have the opportunity to develop and test an innovation project for your museum.
Our trainer will be Dr Jo North, from the University of York, who is an expert in innovative thinking in organisations.
To complete the training, you will need to commit the same two people from your museum workforce for both days. To obtain maximum value, attendees should be people who are in a position to influence change within your organisation, including in your culture and strategic decision-making.
We have currently scheduled training to be delivered on Wednesday 7th and Wednesday 14st October 2020, subject to final confirmation.
Further information is available here
To express your interest, please email: providing your name, museum name and details of who from your organisation would potentially attend the training.