Everyday Innovation Learning Cohort 2023-24

Training and Development Programme: MDY Learning Cohorts 2023-24
We are now welcoming Expressions of Interest for the 2023-24 learning cohorts.
MDY learning cohorts bring together groups of museums with a shared development interest to learn through training, mentoring and networking, sometimes supported with a small grant for implementing new practices.
Everyday Innovation
This two-day programme has been specially designed to support museums with cultural change and to improve innovation and commercial thinking across the organisation.
The programme explores:
- Why a culture of everyday innovation is essential for the resilience of the organisation
- A definition of everyday innovation that is specific to Museum Development Yorkshire, North West and North East
- What leaders and teams can do to facilitate a more innovative culture and commercial mindset
- How to shape the organisation’s business model to better facilitate innovation
- How to use tools, techniques and processes to spark innovation and get tangible results from ideas, in alignment with Museum Development’s vision and business model.
Innovation in action 1:1 Mentoring – Online
Following completion of the above Everyday Innovation Programme, each museum will be invited to take part in the Innovation in Action programme of support.
Outline of activity:
- To provide additional, tailored support for the museums that complete the Everyday Innovation programme
- To maintain and strengthen innovation momentum and implementation in those museums, helping them to overcome barriers and leverage accelerators.
Jo North will conduct a one-to-one diagnosis session with each museum to understand their innovation challenges and aspirations and create a bespoke package of support that would work for them.
Each museum will then have an allocation of 3.5 hours of time (excluding the diagnosis session) they can use to access Jo’s support. These hours can be taken in blocks, or as individual segments.
The online sessions will take place on 7 and 28 September 2023, 9.15am – 3.30pm.
The deadline for submitting your expression of interest in the Everyday Innovation Cohort is 24 April 2023.
Expressions of Interest for Learning Cohorts 2023-24
Please note final confirmation of all cohorts will depend on demand from museums.