West Yorkshire Museum Forum at The Museum of North Craven Life, Settle

Our regional museum forums offer a professional networking opportunity – a chance to catch up with your museum colleagues, get the most out of being at a different and interesting museum, hear some thought-provoking case studies – and have a ‘grand day out’! The forums are often themed, but we hope there is something of interest for everyone.
This West Yorkshire Museum Forum we are thrilled to be hosted by the Museum of North Craven Life in the Folly, built in 1679 and a Grade I listed building. With this in mind the focus of the day will be on maintenance, restoration and preservation of buildings, capital development schemes and funding streams to support these programmes, and ownership issues for museum buildings. In addition there will be a chance for a tour of the building, opportunities for networking and discussion with refreshments on arrival and a light lunch provided by the Folly’s award winning cafe.
Building Success: A day exploring the plentiful issues raised when managing museum buildings
10:30-10.45 Arrival and Refreshments
10.45-11.00 Welcome with Alan Bentley Museum Development Officer, Museum Development update and news
11.00-11.25 Liz Haestier of Overton Architects ‘Working with Historic Buildings’
11.25-11.50 Charlotte Houlahan, ‘Finding a New Home for the Peace Museum’
11.50-12.15 Richard Taylor ‘Ripon Museums – Sustaining Our Heritage Sites’
12.15-12.45 Tour of Folly – Heather Lane and Caitlin Greenwood
12.45-1.45 Lunch and a chance to see more of the Folly
1.45-2.10 Linda Maynard ‘From Closure to Coiners: a brief history of Heptonstall Museum’s community asset transfer’
2.10-2.35 Katharine Boardman, Relationship Manager Museums, ACE ‘Preparing for MEND: funding capital projects’
2.35-3.00 Andrew Clay, Scarborough Museums and Galleries, ‘The MEND Programme at the Rotunda’
3.00-3.45 Sharing Updates
3.45-4.00 Summary and questions
4.00 Close
Whilst we hope there’s something in the plan for the day that appeals to you, we often find that it’s the unexpected and spontaneous conversations that spark most ideas and opportunities! So, join us for a refreshing, professional day out and see what new thinking you can gain.
For more information, please contact: MDYOffice@ymt.org.uk
Bookings will close one week before the event.
Museum of North Craven Life
Victoria Street, Settle, North Yorkshire, BD24 9EY