West Yorkshire Museum Forum

**All meetings will be subject to confirmation in line with Covid regulations. As ever, we’ll adhere closely to Covid-safe practices when allowed to meet. An online alternative will be offered in the event that in-person meetings are not possible.**
Reaching new audiences – on screen and on site
As we visit the hometown of the BBC series “Gentleman Jack”, we will explore tips for hosting filming at your site, and explore a range of projects which promote diversity especially with LGBTQ+ communities, as well as other inclusion and access initiatives.
Join us for a fascinating day – please book early to avoid disappointment!
If you have some work that you would like to share, please email: joanne.bartholomew@ymt.org.uk
Details of speakers will be added here as they are confirmed.
Our aim for museum forums in 2022 is to create “a professional day out” – a chance to catch up with your museum colleagues in the region, visit an interesting venue, get the most out of being at a site, hear some interesting case studies – and really to enjoy being out in a different museum with different colleagues!
Forums usually start with tea and coffee from 10am and introductions from 10:30am. A delicious, complimentary lunch is provided – currently pre-wrapped in individual portions – followed by afternoon refreshments. Meetings usually finish around 3:30-4pm.
Every forum will involve a chance to view and discuss at least one aspect of the host site, hear short case studies from different speakers, and share brief updates with colleagues.
Whilst we hope there’s something in the plan for the day that appeals to you, we often find that it’s the unexpected and spontaneous conversations that spark most ideas and opportunities! So, join us for a refreshing, professional day out and see what fresh thinking you can gain.
For more information, please contact: MDYOffice@ymt.org.uk
Boothtown Road,