North Yorkshire Museum Forum

The theme of the Spring North Yorkshire Museums Forum is ‘Greener Museums’, exploring experiences of responding to the climate crisis and of developing environmental responsibility as a museum organisation. It will be a chance for museums to share how they have been implementing sustainable practices behind the scenes, addressing their carbon consumption in care of their collections, or working with audiences to develop awareness and calls for action.
The Spring Forum will include a screening of the Yorkshire Film Archive project, ‘Nature Matters’, as well as a trip into the stores of the Beck Isle Museum for a behind the scenes look.
10:00-10:30 Arrival & refreshments
10:30-10:50 MDY Welcome & Introduction to the day, Sarah Oswald, Museum Development Officer, Museum Development Yorkshire
10:50-11:10 NYMR welcome and talk, Macey Palmer, Learning & Interpretation Officer & Xander Pearson, National Park Apprentice
11:10-11:30 York Archaeology – ‘Archaeology Indoors: Heritage, Accessibility and Wellbeing’, Arran Johnson, Community Engagement Officer
11:30-11:50 Scarborough Museums and Galleries – ‘A Space to Be’, Jayne Shipley, A Space to Be/Community Engagement Officer
11:50-12:10 Laurence Sterne Trust – ‘MENDing Shandy Hall: A small museum’s experience of MEND from application to completion’, Thomas Forrest, Trustee of The Laurence Sterne Trust & Patrick Wildgust, Curator, Shandy Hall
12:10-13:00 Lunch
13:00-13:30 Updates & Discussions
13:30-13:50 Yorkshire and North East Film Archives – ‘Exploring film archives through an environmental lens ‘Nature Matters’’, Martha Cattell, Delivery Manager Nature Matters
13.50-14.05 Captain Cook Memorial Museum – ‘Crisis to Catalyst: Rethinking Climate Action in the Captain Cook Museum’, Clair Stones, Chairman
14:05-14:10 MDY Thanks & Signposting Sarah Oswald, Museum Development Officer, Museum Development Yorkshire
14:10-15:20 ‘Behind the Scenes at the Museum: unlocking the potential of the collections at Beck Isle Museum’ – a tour at the nearby Beck Isle Museum, Sarah Maultby, Collections Manager
15:20-15:30 Close
Our museum forums offer you “a professional day out” – a chance to catch up with your museum colleagues in the region, visit an interesting venue, get the most out of being at a site, hear some interesting case studies – and really to enjoy being out in a different museum with different colleagues!
Forums usually start with tea and coffee from 10am and introductions from 10:30am. A delicious, complimentary lunch is provided. Meetings usually finish around 3:30-4pm.
Every forum will involve a chance to view and discuss at least one aspect of the host site, hear short case studies from different speakers, and share brief updates with colleagues.
Whilst we hope there’s something in the plan for the day that appeals to you, we often find that it’s the unexpected and spontaneous conversations that spark most ideas and opportunities! So, join us for a refreshing, professional day out and see what fresh thinking you can gain.
For more information, please contact:
North Yorkshire Moors Railway
Platform 2, Pickering Station, North Yorkshire YO18 7AJ