Julie’s Bicycle: Making your Data Meaningful

Join Julie’s Bicycle for a webinar on getting more from your environmental data and reporting.

Environmental data can be a powerful tool, from helping to make the case for action and raise awareness, to tracking the difference action makes and communicating achievements. What you get out of your environmental data depends on what you put into it, and how well you understand it.

This webinar aims to help NPOs get more from their environmental data and reporting, so it is more than a box-ticking exercise, and can actually provide meaningful information which can be put to good use and adds value to what you do.

Along the way, we will provide practical examples, explain how to get more from the IG Tools, and address some of the questions we get asked a lot – what is a carbon footprint anyway? How bad is ten tonnes of carbon? How do we know how we are doing compared to our peers?

Structure of the session
The webinar will cover the following topics:
1. How to get to a few key metrics which give you a good measure of how you are doing environmentally
2. What to think about when looking at environmental impact and performance over time and in context
3. How to use your environmental impact and performance data
4. Q+A

Webinar host
• Claire Buckley, Julie’s Bicycle

This webinar is aimed at Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisations who wish to better understand and communicate their data.

Please click here to register

