ONLINE – Industrial Collections Network Meeting

Yorkshire Industrial Collections Network – Brew up
In these challenging times it is important that we have a chance to keep in touch to share issues impacting on our sector and to support one another.
We had to cancel our planned Yorkshire Industrial Collections Network meeting on 23rd April at NCMME due to Covid-19 restrictions.
However, we would like to try meeting up in a virtual space on Skype for Business at 14:00 on the 23rd instead.
We will, hopefully, have one of our planned speakers presenting about a recent project and also a chance to share information and news about your organisations.
To get involved the meeting link is: Join online meeting
If you have trouble joining via computer you can call in using: +441904909470 and entering the Conference ID: 806328751 – If you call in please be aware your phone number will be displayed on screen.
If you have further trouble joining the call please email Lily (
If this is a success we will look at the options of future short virtual meetings with similar content. We will also ask you what you would find helpful for a gathering like this to cover.
We look forward to welcoming you for our “Brew up”.