Elevenses – Wednesday 3 May

Yorkshire does Eurovision! Yorkshire and Humber calling…..
In celebration of the return of Eurovision to the UK, MDY is hosting a very special Elevenses. In homage to the great event itself, our theme will be collections illustrating European culture and music. We challenge museums from across the region to come along and share a star object from their collection. Don’t be a puppet on a string, make your mind up and come along. You can save all your kisses (but practice a dance or two) and hopefully we will shine a light on the riches of the European and musical collections throughout the region!
Audience members will get the chance to vote. Who will get douze pointe and who will stay on the right-hand side of the leaderboard? Join us for a fun and interactive session, hopefully not blighted by technical difficulties or voting irregularity!
Please send a photograph of your object, along with your name and the name of your museum to Victoria.Smith@ymt.org.uk by Monday 24 April and join us for some Eurovision fun.
Insightful, interactive and informal, come along to gain new insights from our guests, meet colleagues from the region, and connect with the MDY team. Everyone who works and volunteers in museums in our region is most welcome, including museum freelancers who want to stay connected.
There’s no need to book, just click the link below on the day:
If you have any questions about Elevenses, you are new to Microsoft Teams and would like to arrange a familiarisation session, or if you’d like to speak about your current or emerging work at Elevenses please contact Victoria Smith at: victoria.smith@ymt.org.uk.