Elevenses – Thursday 6 May

Re-Opening Special – Visitors & Visitor Services
Join us for an extended Elevenses Special with Ben Melham, our trainer from last summer’s first re-opening. There’ll be a focused update from Ben on new rules and up-to-date good practice, plus lots of opportunity to ask questions and join in discussion, including breakouts. This session will focus on issues for visitors and visitor services.
Insightful, interactive and informal, come along to gain new insights from our guests, meet colleagues from the region, and connect with the MDY team. Everyone who works and volunteers in museums in our region is most welcome, including museum freelancers who want to stay connected during this time.
The session will take place on Zoom.
There is no need to book, just click the link below on the day:
Meeting ID: 875 7231 1085
Passcode: 216851
If you’d like to speak about your current or emerging work at Elevenses, please contact Jo Bartholomew at: joanne.bartholomew@ymt.org.uk.