East Riding Northern Lincolnshire Museum Forum

We will be at Wilderspin National School Museum in Barton-upon-Humber for the next ERNL Museum Forum, with a focus on income generation and funding.
Join us to hear key speakers and catch up with your colleagues from around the region.
Raising and Earning Income
10-10.30 Arrival and Refreshments
10.30-10.45 Welcome with Liz Denton Museum Development Officer, Museum Development update and news
10.45-11.10 Rose Nicholson, Heritage Manager, North Lincolnshire Museum & Louise Bowen, Grimsby Fishing Heritage Centre ‘Documenting Northern Lincolnshire’s Local History – a NLHF project’
11.10-11.30 Steven Henry ‘Opportunities from the National Lottery Heritage Fund’
11.30-11.45 Liz Bennet, CEO, The Ropewalk, ‘Crowdfunding’
11.45-12.30 Presentation and Tour of Wilderspin
12.30-1.15 Lunch
1.15-1.40 Dave Chick, Development Director ‘The Trolleybus Museum at Sandtoft: Funding our Heritage and Funding Our Expansion Programme’
1.40-2.30 Sharing Updates
2:30-3:00 TBC
3:00-3:30 Summary and questions
3.30 Close
Our regional museum forums offer a professional networking opportunity – a chance to catch up with your museum colleagues, get the most out of being at a different and interesting museum, hear some thought-provoking case studies – and have a ‘grand day out’! The forums are often themed, but we hope there is something of interest for everyone.
For more information, please contact: MDYOffice@ymt.org.uk
Bookings will close one week before the event.