Developing volunteering practice, including plans, policies and procedures

Volunteer development is one of our most requested training topics.
If this is on your mind, please take the opportunity to join one, any, or all, of three FREE online webinars, which form the core of the Museum Development UK Volunteer Development Programme 2022.
The sessions are most suited to groups and organisations that are:
- Open to learning and exploring changes to involving volunteers
- Keen to learn more about and embed inclusive practice into their work with volunteers
- Reviewing their volunteering strategy
Each session is aimed at museums that are Accredited or working towards Accreditation.
Places for non-NPO museums, and one place per organisation will be given priority, if necessary.
There are 10 places at each webinar for museums in the Museum Development Yorkshire region.
Please do not delay your booking. These sessions are likely to be popular. Bookings close 5 days before each session date.
Bookings are being taken by SHARE, which is the Museum Development provider for the East of England. They will share your booking data with Museum Development Yorkshire.
For more information and to book your free ticket, please click here.
Please click here to view our other volunteering development sessions.