Assessing your museum’s digital capacity

About this event
Online, via Zoom
3 x online content sessions of 2hrs
Tuesday, 21st February, Tuesday 28th February, Tuesday 7 March 2023 2-4pm.
There are 18 places on each course – 2 places for each of 9 museums.
For more information please contact: Museum Development North West.
For museums to be able to take full advantage of everything digital can offer, they must first understand how and where digital sits within their organisation. The Digital Culture Compass is a powerful tool which can help a museum to evaluate how digital relates to their organisation. This course helps smaller museums understand how to use the toolkit before applying it to their own organisations.
In this three-part workshop, participants will be guided through using parts of the Digital Culture Compass to complete an assessment of some of their museum’s digital activities. They will leave with the confidence, tools and resources needed to complete the full toolkit within their own organisation, involving their staff, volunteers and trustees in the process.
Who should attend?
This course is aimed at people in senior leadership roles, and/or those with digital responsibilities in their museum – this includes chief executives, directors, board members and senior leaders. Places are available to museums located across three museum development regions: Museum Development Yorkshire, Museum Development North West and Museum North East.
Two members from each participating museum should attend to ensure that they are able to enact and embed change more effectively within their organisation. Ideally the second member of staff or volunteer would be involved in delivery of the digital activities of the museum.
Participants must be working or volunteering in a non-NPO, Accredited museum in the region.
This online course will encourage active learning and plenty of discussion for a small group of up to 18 delegates from 9 museums. You will attend 3 online workshops each lasting around 2hrs and scheduled across several weeks. There will be some short self-led workshop exercises in between sessions.
Learning objectives
By the end of this course, you will have:
a full grasp of how to use the Digital Culture Compass
a fuller understanding and overview of some of your organisation’s digital activities
plans, guides and resources on using the Digital Culture Compass as a strategic exercise within your own organisation and teams
practical next steps to implement within your organisation
an area of focus to begin assessing and improving your digital activities
signposting to free online resources to support you going forward#
Course lead
Alec Ward is the Digital Skills Manager at Culture24. Alec’s career has focused on building capacity and confidence for smaller cultural organisations by providing digital skills and literacy support. He has extensive experience of developing training around practical digital skills development, from video editing to creating 3D digital models, and focuses that training through a wider organisational strategic context.
This course is provided as part of Culture24’s Arts Council England-funded Sector Support programme.
Support towards Museum Accreditation
Organisational Health: 2.1 An approved forward or business plan which covers the current and subsequent planning year
Two members from each participating museum should attend to ensure that they are able to enact and embed change more effectively within their organisation. Ideally the second member of staff or volunteer would be involved in delivery of the digital activities of the museum.