Advanced Copyright Workshop

This workshop is for museum trustees, volunteers and staff who had already received basic copyright training in the last couple of years.
The intention of this advanced copyright workshop is to build upon the basic copyright knowledge of attendees and unpick copyright in detail focussing specifically on the exceptions to copyright, licences and orphan works.
The workshop will be divided into the following themed sections:
1. I have received funding from HLF to digitise my collection – what do I need to consider in terms of rights and permissions?
2. I want to reproduce items on my website but can’t trace the rights holders – what are my options and what should I do next?
3. I would like to reproduce digital copies of my collection items in my gallery space on dedicated terminals – what do I need to know about copyright? What other exceptions to copyright might help me in my work with my museum?
4. I have some disabled visitors coming to my museum and I wondered if I can make them accessible copies of our collection items?
5. I have been contacted by the BBC who wish to film in our museums and also use stills of our collection items in their programme. What do I need to know about rights and permissions and what should I do next?
6. I want to explore ways we can commercially exploit our images – can you advise?
7. I have contacted a rights holder for permission to reproduce some music, but they have charged us an enormous amount of money. What can I do?
8. We are working with volunteers who regularly produce content for our museum. What are the rights issues and what should we do?
9. I am commissioning a photographer to take photos of our collection items and they refuse to transfer the copyright to us, what are my options?
10. Our museum is producing a publication in which we are quoting famous people. Is that ok?
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The Bar Convent
17 Blossom Street
YO24 1AQ