Training and events

Accreditation Mentor Workshop
Are you an Accreditation Mentor or a museum professional interested in becoming a mentor? This workshop will provide a thorough overview of what the role involves and how to get the most from your mentoring experience. The session will include how to conduct an effective annual review with your mentee museum, demystify the mentor’s report, discuss challenging situations and where to seek additional support, along with a great opportunity to network with other regional Accreditation Mentors.

Elevenses – Thursday 3rd March
Why museums should become Carbon Literate, where to start and what next
Aware of the climate emergency but not sure how your museum can contribute? Museum Development England has secured funding for Roots & Branches, a project to support all museums to become carbon literate and take steps to cut their carbon footprint. Find out more with project organisers Kaye Hardyman from Museum Development North West and Alison Criddle, Museum Development Carbon Literacy Officer.

Elevenses – Wednesday, 9th March
It’s that time again – Spring cleaning!
Hear about seasonal housekeeping routines from museums that are familiar with seasonal closure and re-opening routines. Pick up tips on managing your routine and working with volunteers.

Elevenses – Wednesday 23rd March
Using the data from the Museum Development Annual Museums Survey
We share key results from the Yorkshire & Humber region for the Museum Development Annual Museums Survey 2020-21, and chat about how you can use the results to benchmark your own museum. Not sure how to use the data or what’s in it for you? Join us to find out.

Elevenses – Tuesday 29th March
Why employ an apprentice? And other steps towards inclusive recruitment
We talk to Melanie Shee from Creative & Cultural Skills about how they can help you to develop more diverse and inclusive employment practices, and we learn more about apprenticeships in museums – what an apprenticeship is and isn’t, and how to set one up.