Training and events

Volunteer Management Development
This series of three, online webinars will help museums to develop knowledge and skills in volunteer recruitment, volunteer management, and volunteer strategy development.
This webinar series is being hosted by volunteering consultants and specialists Laura Hamilton and Carol Carbine, who both bring more than 40 years of volunteer management experience in the VCSE sector.

Introduction to the Museum Accreditation Scheme UK
This short morning session is for non-accredited museums who are considering applying to Museum Accreditation to find what the scheme entails and whether it is suitable for your organisation.
It would also be suitable for museums currently recognised as Working Towards Accreditation as an opportunity for other staff and volunteers to find out more about the scheme.

Accreditation Mentor Workshop
Are you an Accreditation Mentor or a museum professional interested in becoming a mentor? This workshop will provide a thorough overview of what the role involves and how to get the most from your mentoring experience. The session will include how to conduct an effective annual review with your mentee museum, demystify the mentor’s report, discuss challenging situations and where to seek additional support, along with a great opportunity to network with other regional Accreditation Mentors.