Training and events

Sporting Heritage Conference
Join us online as we bring together key members from the heritage and sport sectors, share best practice case studies, provide hands on advice and guidance, and increase the confidence and knowledge of those wishing to develop sporting heritage activity.
Supported by a diverse programme of speakers, this year’s conference focuses on representation and engagement. We will explore these themes and how they impact on sporting heritage and the stories it tells. The event will also outline how to build greater support for the sector going forward, and how to support grassroots projects and collections.

Elevenses – Thursday 21st October
Collections Care – Emergency planning & more
Join us with Libby Finney, ACE Regional Collection Care Development Officer at the Museum of London, to refresh your thinking or ask questions about collections care, with a focus on emergency planning and salvage. The conversation will help you with thoughts on seasonal or lockdown closure, and tips for mitigating potential problems with water ingress, mould or pests.