Training and events

South Yorkshire Museum Forum

Rethinking our Stories

The theme of this session will be Rethinking our Stories, and we will welcome a couple of guests to talk about their work in this area. We will also have time for your updates, progress reports, and questions. We look forward to hearing about your re-opening progress, and activities to re-set and adjust your museums, after this period of change.

Your MDY Regional Museum Forum is a chance to connect with colleagues from your region, share your experiences and discuss the issues that are important to you.

15 July 2021

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Yorkshire Industrial Collections Network – Brew Up!

Industrial Collections in a Climate Crisis

The Brew Up brings together people who work with industrial collections in Yorkshire. Join Dieter Hopkin to connect with colleagues in the region, discuss the issues surrounding industrial collections and and ask questions.

7 July 2021

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As If Trying Not to Own The Earth: Museums Planning for Climate Change Adaptation

How is your museum responding to the climate emergency? What could be the role of the museum in bringing into being a different world: a world that does not own the Earth, but instead contributes to a regenerative culture and community?

13 July 2021

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Collections Trust: Introduction to the Spectrum Standard

Suitable for those new to the Spectrum collections management standard or in need of a refresher, this online session will offer a bitesize introduction. Volunteers, beginners, trustees or managers are all welcome.

We will discuss how a Spectrum 5.0 procedure works, how Spectrum might be applied within your own organisation, and briefly introduce the primary procedures for Accreditation. There will be opportunities to ask questions throughout, as well as to submit any questions in advance.

1 July 2021

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Collections Trust: Loans In and Loans Out Procedures

This session, delivered by Collections Trust, will support you in reviewing and updating your procedures, and managing your loans in and loans out of museum objects. Suitable for those managing and documenting loans, and those responsible for decision making.

There will be opportunities to discuss with colleagues, ask questions throughout and submit questions in advance.

21 July 2021

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Collections Essentials: Life and Death of a Museum Object

Join us for the first in a new series of MDY Collections Essentials sessions.

Collections Essentials is aimed at people who are new to volunteering or working in museums, or those who would like to increase their understanding of the principles, values and ethics which underpin professional museum practice. It is particularly suited to people from museums without a museum professional in their team, or those who have not yet undertaken museum professional training. Museum trustees are welcome to join to increase their understanding of museum processes. Some Collections Essentials sessions will focus on museum theory, others will focus on practical, basic aspects of collections care.

14 July 2021

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Elevenses – Wednesday 7th July

What skills does your museum need?

Join us to think about your museum’s training needs, how to respond to the Museum Development Skills Needs Survey, and a chance to help us to help you.

7 July 2021

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Elevenses – Thursday 15th July

A refresh on MDY support and funding

Join us for a reminder of our second opportunity in the year to access MDY support for your museum’s needs. This is part of our pandemic response, aiming to providing more flexibility for you as your needs and capacity change this year. We’ll also talk about available funding this year through the Art Fund and MDY Small Grants.

15 July 2021

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Elevenses – Monday 19th July

Accreditation Update

Meet our new Regional Accreditation Adviser, Kelly Chapman, for an update on what’s happening with the Accreditation Scheme and for support in moving forwards your museum’s needs in Accreditation.

19 July 2021

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Celebrating Museums 2021

Join MDY and ACE to celebrate and reflect on the projects delivered by Yorkshire’s museums over the past year. This event is a partnership between Arts Council England and Museum Development Yorkshire and is supported by York Museums Trust.

23 July 2021

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