Training and events

Recovering Well: Running an Organisational Re-Set
Understand a process for engaging your trustees, staff and volunteers with an organisational re-set after this period of disruption. Everyone’s experience of the pandemic period has been slightly different, and their engagement with your organisation during this time will also have differed greatly.

Elevenses – Thursday 6 May
Re-Opening Special – Visitors & Visitor Services
Join us for an extended Elevenses Special with Ben Melham, our trainer from last summer’s first re-opening. There’ll be a focused update from Ben on new rules and up-to-date good practice, plus lots of opportunity to ask questions and join in discussion, including breakouts. This session will focus on issues for visitors and visitor services.

Elevenses – Wednesday 12 May
Springwatch Special – Museum Insect Pests
Find out more about the less welcome springtime visitors to our museums – insect pests! Our guest, Helena Jaeschke, Conservation Development Officer from South West Museum Development, will share expert knowledge about managing your insect pests and answer your questions on what to watch out for and tackling problems.

Elevenses – Wednesday 19 May
Tackling a Collections Store Project
Join us for conversation between a range of museums services in the region about how they are approaching plans for new and refurbished storage facilities. How to go about this in a sustainable way? And what issues or criteria do we consider?

Elevenses – Wednesday 26 May
Reopening Special – Lessons from Covid for Environmental Sustainability
Ben Melham, a specialist in estates and visitor services, joins us to reflect on what our response to Covid has shown us about doing things differently as we move forwards. What positive learning can we take from this experience? How can it help us to make our museums more resilient and sustainable?

Supporting Return and Re-Entry for Volunteers
Due to high demand, this is a repeat of the session run on Weds 28th April.
As organisations that often rely on volunteers, it’s important to check our responsibilities and opportunities to achieve best practice as we support volunteers returning from an extended absence from engagement with the museum, or absence from site. As a society, we are also all adjusting to a re-entry to more normal ways of life as we emerge from lockdown.