Training and events
Disaster Planning and Salvaging
Organised by the Natural History Museum. This one-day course has two parts. Part one focuses on strategic steps to manage the risks and effects a disaster might have on a collection.
Part two demonstrates the key practical conservation skills and techniques required to salvage a collection should disaster occur.
Fire in Old Buildings
Organised by The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings. Drawing on lessons learned from recent high-profile fires, this one day seminar from the SPAB will look at all aspects of fire prevention and management in historic buildings, as well as approaches to reconstruction when the worst happens.
Telling Heritage
Organised by The Ashmolean Museum. This unique and practical two day course blends together traditional storytelling and best practice in live heritage interpretation.
Data Protection and the New General Data Protection Regulation
Organised by Voluntary Action Sheffield. This course combines the UK Data Protection Act and the forthcoming European Union (EU) led changes on Data Protection – the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).